Course Description: This one-hour, virtual webinar is designed for students with experience in cupping. It will focus on releasing tension and tightness found in the lower back region and along the spine. After the class, there will be time for questions. All...
For as long as people were practicing massage, massage tools have been used to assist the effectiveness of the practice and save effort on the part of the practitioner, especially the hands. This class will explore some of the more popular and effective electric and...
This class offers a point of view to assess the troubled joint and a way of using your skills with myofascial understanding to work with the joint as part of a whole system. Myofascial work can reduce stressors on joints to create more space and glide in the joint...
The Heartsaver CPR and AED course teaches how to provide CPR, use an automated external defibrillator (AED), and relieve choking, for adults and children. Each participant will receive a Heartsaver CPR AED student workbook, and an American Heart Association course...
The Heartsaver CPR and AED course teaches how to provide CPR, use an automated external defibrillator (AED), and relieve choking, for adults and children. Each participant will receive a Heartsaver CPR AED student workbook, and an American Heart Association course...