Advanced Myofascial Techniques: Exploring the Weight-Bearing Elements in the Muscular, Connective Tissue & Skeletal Systems Many physical troubles people have can be based in tensions inherent in their standing and movement patterns. Students will take this course...
Anatomy Massage Cupping Level 1 Workshop Overview: The objective of Introduction to Cupping is to educate the practitioner on the basics of cupping including the science of how it works, technique, troubleshooting, contraindications, how to, and basic protocols....
In general, the Psoas is not known or understood by the general public. They have some understanding of ‘core’ and that ‘core’ is important, but don’t really know how to engage its component parts and how they work together, especially as they relate to their body...
Course Description: What’s all this about flexion?! Students will examine how postural flexion patterns are dominating our lives and what we, as body therapists, can do about it. Many of our activities: driving, reading, computer and cell phone use, cooking, doing...
In any hands-on work, one is always addressing fascia. Understanding fascia, its global and significant role in our body can can help massage and body therapists in their work to aid clients. This class will cover some fundamentals of fascial anatomy and functions, so...