We all know that January is the classic time for New Year’s resolutions. People become determined to go back to the gym, start their new diet, or other things to make them feel well and healthy in their bodies. Here at Got Your Back-U we are passionate about the...
Professional Ethics guide and inform the individual massage therapist and the massage industry through understanding and obeying state laws and requirements, setting standards for education and the practice of massage therapy, promoting professionalism, defining right...
Instructor: Pamela West CE Hours: 2.5 NCBTMB Course CE401034 Learning Objectives: Students will understand what fascia is and some of the common misconceptions about fascia. Students will understand why fascia is important to the massage therapist. Students will...
NEW HYBRID MODEL CPR! ONLINE COURSE + SHORT, IN-PERSON ASSESSMENT The Heartsaver CPR and AED course teaches how to provide CPR, use an automated external defibrillator (AED), and relieve choking, for adults and children. The first portion will be the online class...