Bradford Nicarry bring his dynamic and exciting focus and experience to Thai Massage. This fully clothed ancient massage practice is often described as “lazy man’s yoga.” Thai massage is performed on a soft mat on the floor. As the therapist, we are reminded the value...
Instructor: Desmond Slattery Date: January 29-30 Time: 9am – 6pm Cost: $375 CE Hours:16 Shiatsu is the ancient healing art of encouraging chi (life force) to flow evenly throughout the body. Using points of pressure and gentle stretching we can open existing...
Instructor: Sandy O’Brien, CLT, LMT Date: Saturday, January 7, 2023 Time: 9am-6pm CE Hours: 8 NECK CHECK – An in-depth look at massaging the muscles in the neck With Sandy O’Brien, CLT, LMT This course is designed to help massage therapists become...
Workshop Description: Shiatsu performed on the table allows the practitioner a chance to experience the rhythm and flow of this beautiful modality. The receiver also benefits from the movement and depth of pressure that are foundational to delivering shiatsu. Once...
Instructor: Bradley Martin MS, ATC/L, CSCS, CPT-CES Date: Thursday, January 12, 2023 Time: 9am-6pm Cost: $300 CE Hours: 8 This course will focus on the Rotator Cuff, examining how we can keep it healthy and how some common injuries occur. As our profession continues...