SIDE “A”FFECTS Don’t be stymied by Side-Lying massage! With Sandy O’Brien, CLT, LMT This course is designed to dispel the myth that side lying massage is just for pregnancy. This course will address proper positioning and draping of side lying and body ¾ side...
SIDE “A”FFECTS Don’t be stymied by Side-Lying massage! With Sandy O’Brien, CLT, LMT This course is designed to dispel the myth that side lying massage is just for pregnancy. This course will address proper positioning and draping of side lying and body ¾ side...
Three Mondays from 1-2pm EST. June 29, July 6 and 13 This is the live version of our popular Peak Positioning online class. We are zooming it over Three Mondays from 1-2pm EST. June 29, July 6 and 13. Once you sign up for the class you can log in and view the first...
Next Class 3 Wednesday’s from 1-2pm. May 13, 20, 27. This is the live version of our popular Peak Positioning online class. We are zooming it over 3 Wednesday’s from 1-2pm. May13, 20, 27. Once you sign up for the class you can log in and view the first...
CLASS IS FULL! Stay tuned for future classes. This is the live version of our popular Peak Positioning online class. We are zooming it over 3 Wednesday’s from 1-2:15pm. April 15, 22, and 29. Once you sign up for the class you can log in and view the first lesson...