Three Mondays from 1-2pm EST. June 29, July 6 and 13 This is the live version of our popular Peak Positioning online class. We are zooming it over Three Mondays from 1-2pm EST. June 29, July 6 and 13. Once you sign up for the class you can log in and view the first...
Next Class 3 Wednesday’s from 1-2pm. May 13, 20, 27. This is the live version of our popular Peak Positioning online class. We are zooming it over 3 Wednesday’s from 1-2pm. May13, 20, 27. Once you sign up for the class you can log in and view the first...
CLASS IS FULL! Stay tuned for future classes. This is the live version of our popular Peak Positioning online class. We are zooming it over 3 Wednesday’s from 1-2:15pm. April 15, 22, and 29. Once you sign up for the class you can log in and view the first lesson...
Course Description: What’s all this about flexion?! Students will examine how postural flexion patterns are dominating our lives and what we, as body therapists, can do about it. Many of our activities: driving, reading, computer and cell phone use, cooking, doing...
This class offers a point of view to assess the troubled joint and a way of using your skills with myofascial understanding to work with the joint as part of a whole system. Myofascial work can reduce stressors on joints to create more space and glide in the joint...