Anatomy Massage Cupping Level 1 Workshop Overview: The objective of Introduction to Cupping is to educate the practitioner on the basics of cupping including the science of how it works, technique, troubleshooting, contraindications, how to, and basic protocols....
This is a special online package for PA LMT’s (although can be used in other states too!) to satisfy all your CE requirements for licensure outside of live classes. To satisfy the live class component please see our schedule of live classes. Ethics Home Study...
This is an NCBTMB approved course for 8CEU. Free Gua Sha tool and crème included with class! Workshop Description “Gua” means to scrape and “Sha” refers to the raised rash (petechiae) that results from the scraping. Put together they can be...
SIDE “A”FFECTS Don’t be stymied by Side-Lying massage! With Sandy O’Brien, CLT, LMT This course is designed to dispel the myth that side lying massage is just for pregnancy. This course will address proper positioning and draping of side lying and body ¾ side...
EXPLORING THE CORE A guide to incorporating Belly Work into your Massage Practice With Sandy O’Brien, CLT, LMT This course is designed to help massage therapists become more familiar with doing “Belly work”. In many massage practices work below the clavicle and...