GYBU is partnering with Lauren Nelson of Touch of Health to have our first in-person CPR class in years! The AHA BLS Provider CPR and AED course teaches how to provide CPR, use an automated external defibrillator (AED), and other life saving skills, for adults and...
In general, the Psoas is not known or understood by the general public. They have some understanding of ‘core’ and that ‘core’ is important, but don’t really know how to engage its component parts and how they work together, especially as they relate to their body...
Bradford Nicarry bring his dynamic and exciting focus and experience to Thai Massage. This fully clothed ancient massage practice is often described as “lazy man’s yoga.” Thai massage is performed on a soft mat on the floor. As the therapist, we are reminded the value...
Hospice Massage is a popular two-day intensive class that explores the need-to-know information for a massage therapist interested in working in a hospice setting. The class will prepare the professional massage therapist to understand the history of hospice, the...